Unser Partnerclub „The River Club of New York“ bietet unseren Mitgliedern die Möglichkeit an der jährlichen Casino-Nacht des River Club teilzunehmen. Bei Interesse senden wir für Sie gerne einen Letter of Introduction an den „The River Club of New York”. Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur begrenzt Platz zur Verfügung steht. Preis: $250,00
The River Club of New York
New York
447 E. 52nd Street
New York, NY 10022
Contact Info:
The River Club has enjoyed a legacy ofmembers who have been leaders in theirrespective fields. Ever since its founding in1931, the Club is proud to be home toprominent politicians, athletes, Fortune 500CEOs and media, fashion, and finance icons.
A family club by design, with equal access byboth men and women, The River Club setsitself apart from the start as a full-servicesporting and social club right in the heart of New York City.
With a variety of athletic facilities, dining, andinformal and formal social spaces, and well-appointed overnight guest rooms, we areproud to unveil the newest chapter in ourbeloved Club’s illustrious history.